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Position:评价网 > GoldenAppleRanking > International conference > Main text |
The 4th International Ranking Experts Group Conference (IREG-4) that was held in Astana, Kazachstan June 14-16 is now a history. It is a good history. Despite the financial crisis, casting dark shadow experts on ranking and quality of higher education from all continents showed in impressive number to share their experience and discuss ways how to make ranking process credible and based on “good practices”. It is very important as new rankings appear on national, regional and global level influencing universities and higher education in general. The sense of responsibility for the quality of higher education had prevailed in the presentations by the speakers and in general discussions.
To some of us Astana may had seem at first an odd place to held the IREG conference but our host, the Minister of Higher Education in Science of Kazakhstan not only provided a most comfortable venue and friendly atmosphere around the conference but also invited a large group of rectors of Kazakh universities. They had a unique opportunity to meet and listen to top experts on higher education from all over the world. It was a good step to bring the higher education of Kazakhstan closer to Europe and rest of the world. Our thanks also go to ELSEVIER and ORANGE Foundation Poland, sponsors of the conference.
Many thanks to all the speakers and participants for their valuable contribution to quality of higher education and academic rankings.
Those of you who would like to relive your Conference experience are welcome to view the photo gallery. If you would like to see the presentations please kindly contact dr. Kazimierz Bilanow at k.bilanow@perspektywy.org.
The Conference Organizers |
【Network of Science & Education Evaluation in China www.nseac.com】 |